Jan 09, · Osteoarthritis OA is the most common chronic long-lasting joint condition. Venalis, P. The vaccinating institution will contact you at the specified contacts and invite you to be vaccinated. Netoli esantys žodžiai. Scientific Reports, 9, article number Versan® fluid sinovinio skysčio papildas yra produktas, tiekiamas stikliniame Produktas yra skirtas osteoartrito OA sukeliamam sąnarių skausmui gydyti.

BOOK Our warm stone massage is perfect for the colder winter season.

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Sunu sanariu ligos stones invigorate the nervous system, reduce stress and promote better sleep. This procedure also relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow, facilitates breathing, stimulates the toxin release process, and rejuvenates, cleans and tones the body. Massage with hot bundles of herbs 60 min.

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BOOK This soothing and relaxing full-body massage is performed by combining pressure and stretching exercises. The pleasant aroma emanating from the warm bundles of herbs and gentle movements relieve tension, and the heat that penetrates the body relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation.

Anti-stress shoulder area and foot massage 60 min.

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BOOK Did you know that just one of these special massage sessions is equivalent to four hours of deep sleep? This massage uses ancient Indian and Thai techniques to induce complete relaxation.

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During this therapy, a practitioner stimulates certain points on the shoulders, neck, head and feet. These points affect the main functional systems of our bodies.

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This type of therapy helps increase the level of oxygen supplied to the brain, relaxes the nervous system and improves overall physical function. This massage also stimulates the release of endorphins happiness hormoneswhich provides a feeling of total relaxation, making any emotional, psychological and physical stress that has become a part of everyday life easy to overcome. After the procedure, you will feel revitalised, completely relaxed and soothed.

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Your mood will improve and you will feel creative and open to new ideas. This therapy is recommended for individuals who feel rushed, physically and emotionally exhausted, fatigued and stressed out, or for those who experience headaches and shoulder swelling in various joints.

Back massages.